Every day, the number of people in the world is rising. Because of that phenomenon the rapid development forced to do to accommodate the total population such as urbanization. However, the unwell planning development was done that made our environment in trouble. The major factor of this happening because less understanding of surrounding environment and ecological aspect while planning the urbanization. One profession that closely related with designing the sustainable urbanization is landscape architects.
The development of landscape urbanism theory and its implementation into the field of practice is outlined with particular focus on its position of redefining the role of landscape architect. Global movements of urbanization, increasing awareness of urban ecology and analysis of modern planning lead to the important responses that landscape urbanism applies to modern projects.
Landscape urbanism holds a promising future in determining sustainable urban form. Continued long-term investment in applying the theory to practice will lead to a balance relationship similar to the requirement between landscape and urbanism.
2.1 Definition of urbanization
Urbanization as defined by Paul Jenkins (2007) normally refers to the demographic process of shifting the balance of national population from ‘rural’ to ‘urban’ areas; urbanization rate indicates the proportion of the population living in urban areas at a given time; and urban growth rate is a measurement of the expansion of the number of inhabitants living in urban settlements.
Meanwhile, Basudeb Bhatta (2010) defined urbanization as non-spatial and social process which refers to the changes of behavior and social relationships that occur in social dimensions as a result of people living in town and cities. Urbanization is also defined by United Nation (2005) as ‘movement of people from rural areas with population growth equating to urban migration’.
According to New World
References: Didona Associates: http://www.didonaassociates.com/why/la-overview.html Landscape Architecture Resource: http://landscapearchitectureresource.com/ Natural Learning Initiative: http://www.naturalearning.org/content/new-role-landscape-architecture New World Encyclopedia: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Urbanization Whole Building Design Guide: http:// www.wbdg.org/design/dd landscapearch.php Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture