-Role of Marketing in the non-business environment since article “Broadening the Concept of
Marketing” by Philip Kotler and Sidney J. Levy was published in 1969
Written by
Anthony Chi Yuen CHAN
Social economic development over the past 40 years has been drastic over the world.
1970 to 2010, global GDP has grown over 20 times from 3,288 billion USD to 63,064 billion
USDi. Government consumption expenditure per capita increased from 140 USD to 1,640
USD on global bases.
In well developed countries and economic zone (like UKii and EU),
social protection, general public services, health care, education, and national and public order and safety account for over 70% of government total spending. cause the increase of spending in the public sector?
What had been changed to
While large amount of money had been
spent, what has changed in the public sector to ensure the effectiveness of spending?
sector managerial techniques, practices and orientations, marketing strategies and dimensions helped shaping the evolution of public management to be more efficiently and effectively.
purpose of this paper is to state specific examples of the adaptation of marketing management strategies and tactics at the selected areas of public services. Particular case will illustrate how
STP, 4P’s, and 3P’s adopted in the decision making process. Understanding the background of social evolution, we will examine how demographic and economic improvement has driven these marketing strategies in these civil services in Hong Kong over the past 40 years.
Every organization, private sector or public services alike, depend greatly on marketing strategies and communication to promote their goods and services. Hong Kong Government has evolved its public communication from minimum interaction to highly involvement in planning, researching, consulting, implementing of the new