A Thesis
Submitted To:
Central Department of Rural Development
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, in
University Campus, T.U.
In Partial Fulfillment for the Masters Degree of Arts
In Rural Development
Submitted by
Exam Roll No. 281444
T.U. Regd. No. 6-2-22-1383-2005
August, 2012
1.1 Background of the study
Women play a significant role in the development of nation. Women were considered as second grade citizens in most of the countries including Nepal. This perception is still persisting in many developing countries like Nepal. But in recent years people have started realizing the importance of Women’s participation in the economic and social development. So, it would not be out of context to accept the socio-economic status of women as a variable of development. Recent changes in the world for women have imposed a positive effect in society due to the long-term attempt made by the national and international women organizations and the supporters of the feminist movements. In recent world scenario, women shave been actively participating in the political and social aspect. A large number of women are working as doctors, engineers, lawyers, pilots and scientists. Moreover women have also travelled in the space. As such women have now perceived as productive potentials of the nation.
In Nepal, women comprises more than 50% of total population but only 42.49 % female are literate (CBS 2001). Women are heavily engaged in domestic chores along with the socio-economic activities. They have major role in household management and they have to do more than 50% of household works in spite of having low decision making power. They are discriminated since their childhood. During childhood, they have to live under
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