In any case, culture implies restraint over oneself, control of emotions, polished manners, refinement and consideration for others. The cultivation of good tastes, acceptable patterns of external behavior, deep moral sensibilities; all these are indications of culture.
The cultured mind has its doors and windows open; a closed, narrow and prejudiced mind betrays lack of culture. It is culture that distinguishes man from other organic creatures. Culture is the product of human society. Each distinctive culture corresponds necessarily to a particular society.
Throughout history, India has been culturally united, even though politically it has been split up into quarrelling States and territories. India's past, with its variety of cultures, traditions, customs, language and religious beliefs, is in effect the common heritage of all Indians, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and others.
There are diversities of course; these are bound to be in such a vast country of continental dimensions. But there is an essential unity of outlook, which one can notice from north to south and east to west. Indian society has progressed by a synthesis of the emerging contradictions. This incorporates several Indian traditions;
Our culture is the cumulative result of centuries of evolution and continuous synthesis. There have been no sudden breaks in this process. Every individual is moulded by his native country's culture to an enormous degree. We may not recognise the shaping process,