In wider usage, the term NGO can be applied to any non profiting organization which is independent from the government. NGOs are typically value based organizations which depend, in whole or in part, on charitable donations and voluntary service. Although theNGO sector has become increasingly professional over the last two decades, principles of altruism and voluntarism remain key defining characters. NGOs range in their size and scope from large charities as CARE, OXFAM, World Vision of global fame to regional, national and community based self help groups. They include research centres, religious institutions and professional associations. Based on their functioning NGOs can be divided in two distinct categories.
Operational NGOs. Such organizations work for the betterment of humanity through practical application of their resources and abilities. They under take welfare measures, development projects and assists the governments and its agencies in crises management.
Advocacy NGOs. This type of NGOs are more focused and deals with a specific purpose with a view to defend and promote a particular cause. Commonly dealt issues are health, education and poverty. At times a no of advocacy NGOs may unite under a single operational NGOwhile advocating their particular cause. Physical application usually is not within the domain of such types.
Operational NGOs find their roots in masses on contrary to the other type. Their role in disaster management is of paramount importance. These can further be classified as under.
Community Based Organizations. These are normally membership organizations made up of a group of individuals who have joined together to further their own interests. Normally based on communal system such organizations are weak in resources and funds with