A playschool lays the academic foundation in language, literacy, and numeric skills. While basic reading, writing and counting is important to ready young ones for their elementary school, it comes secondary to the social and emotional development of children which is inseparable from cognitive development.
A good playschool emphasizes on emotional and social life skills which have a far reaching impact on building a peaceful and cooperative world. The importance of playing and working together, giving and sharing, listening and voicing, loving themselves and others, showing appreciation and respect, are key areas where a playschool can be very effective. To be prepared to function effectively in the adult world, children need to participate in lots of social situations. The presence of other children of the same approximate age helps in learning rules of social conduct. The "games with rules" concept teaches the children of the existence of rules and laws that we all must follow to function productively. Group activities at playschool are aimed at building a collaborative rather than a competitive attitude.
The most important role that play performs is to help children to be active, make choices and practice action. Playschools encourage the use of play coming from the child’s own imagination and experiences. With fantasy play children of this age begin experimenting by taking on new roles. In an ever-more technological society, lots of practice with all forms of abstraction - time, space, symbols, words, and ideas - is essential.
By their very nature, children desire a kinesthetic experience of all new things. Playschool education