As a representative of Lord Basva principles:- The Sharanaru as a representative of Lord Basava he was social reformer during 12th century. Sharanaru has dedicated himself and the math to propagate the preaching’s of basavanna and other sharanas.The principles of Basava popular by Dr. Sharanaru, equality, liberty, work,[kayaka] rights so and so.. Now-a-days the sharanaru appointed different swamijies to different Maths they belong to different depressed class. Because once upon a time the role of Swamiji reserved for the particular caste only, but the Murugha Math Sharanaru introduced so many swamijies from deferent depressed class. He has given up the suffix “Swamiji” and substantiated it with “Sharana” one who has submitted himself to god. Who make service to uplift of that class. This is one of the most popular principles of equality. He has organized Basava Kendras- Basava Centers- through out the state and country. He has traveled abroad to spread out the message of the Sharanas globally. He has sworn to work for the emancipation of mankind from the materialistic way of …show more content…
Thinker about classless society:- ‘Nobody owns anything but everybody owns everything’ [Karl Marx] Dr.Sharanaru said there are three types persons in our society, such as some are creator of nothing, [vacuum] some are filling the nothing, [vacuum] & some are come out from nothing [vacuum]. So all are belong to nothing, which means all are equal in the view of world. But some ignored persons fighting against property, money, status, power, position etc.. But the society provides equal facilities to all, but in that some vested interests oppressed on delicate & poor peoples. The Sharanaru thinking about equality, liberty, concepts. He has removed all discriminations, propagation of classless, casteless, religious less, society. 13. Philosopher of future life:- No rights to live without labour to anybody.[KARL MARX] Work is worship [BASAVANNA], if you earn the gain in proper way, that is support to development of personality. According to Sharanaru, do something do not sit like a lazy, because the work is support to earning for leading of life, but the laziness support to loss of is your personality. Sahaja Shivayoga has inspirited to maintenance of equality between mind, body and senses. [Vijayavani-1/4/17]. The family members must adopt the harmony nature in family, little bit problems are common between husband and wife, but the conflicts do not know to outside. The male persons must far away from anti social activities. [Group marriage