By Dorathy Pius Ndangra
Federal university Kashere, Gombe State Ngeria
The philosophy of University education in Nigeria stems from the Nation’s philosophy of education which was derived from the Nation’s philosophies. These philosophies are as found in the National policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). The fundamental principles about the importance of education to national and individual growth engendered the three basic items under Nigeria’s philosophy of Education. These three basic philosophical items are:
a. The development of the individual into a sound and effective citizen;
b. The full integration of the individual into the community; and
c. The provision of equal access to educational opportunities for all citizens of the country, at primary, secondary and tertiary levels both inside and outside the formal school system (FRN, 2004, p.6)
Nigerian University system has contributed to National development through the intensified and diversified programmes for sustainable development. University Education in Nigeria had provided general high level education which prepared individuals for entry into government, professional, business and the industry.
University education leads to greater career opportunities because employers prefer University graduates. Thus, it provides whole range of academic subject courses and career-specifics courses allowing individuals to chart their career paths confer increased earning capacity, broaden the range of opportunities for changing career direction through the provision of necessary skills and knowledge of new and rewarding career man-power training.
One of the major objectives of establishing Universities is to contribute to manpower development. The contribution of Universities to manpower development is currently multi faceted and multidisciplinary Faculties of Agriculture, Education, Social and Management Sciences, Medicine,