Not only did women take clerical and office jobs, they drove trucks, repaired airplanes, worked as
Not only did women take clerical and office jobs, they drove trucks, repaired airplanes, worked as
The evolution of the rights of woman in Australia owes much to successive waves of feminism, or the woman’s movement. The first of these took place in the late 19th century and was concerned largely with gaining the right to vote and to stand for election into parliament. The second wave of feminism took place in the 1960s and 1970s and focused on gaining equality with men in other areas, such as work, the law and general social standing. These protests for the changing rights and freedoms of woman targeted many different aspects of life and presented a broader challenge to traditional ideas of woman’s rights. This therefore led to more fundamental changes in the daily lives of mainstream Australian woman.…
World War 1 was a pivotal event that affected Canada in many ways. Not only for the men that fought for their country, but also for the thousands of women that contributed behind the soldiers of the front lines. It was a heavy change for them; going from dependant housewife to being employed at some of the largest industries and factories. World War 1 was centered on Europe and began in the summer of 1914 (Wikipedia). That summer changed the lives of many families in Europe, and all over the world. Men were forced to leave their homes and families behind and fight for their countries. In result of the men’s absence, women had the opportunity to take the available jobs. It was a major step in the history of women,…
During World War Two, husbands, fathers, sons and brothers were called upon to join the war effort. When they did, the women were left at home. This provided them with an opportunity to change their roles in society forever. In 1941 the Federal Government gave its approval for women to join the armed services, including…
World War II was by far the most destructive wars in the U.S. history. It impacted the United States socially, economically, and killed more people in any other war. World war II caused women to join the working force which was a huge step in women's rights and showed how huge the government's role was in this war was. The United States is one of the main reasons that the Allies won the war. At the end of World War I all of the blame was put onto Germany. Germany was given many restrictions and because of this Hitler started to rise. During World war II there was two major alliances: The Axis powers and The Allies. The Axis powers were: Germany, Japan, and . The Allies were: Great Britain, the United States, France(?) and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union ended up joining…
After the war, many high-ranking officers ‘praised’ the women’s work and service during the war. Among them was General Eisenhower, who had told Congress that at the time of the formation has completely against the idea, however after all their accomplishments, he was convinced that in the beginning he had a wrong perspective. During the war, while men were leaving to go fight, many women stayed home, taking men’s place in factories, government works and even farms.They made clothes, boots and weapons that were used by the soldiers. While some women stayed at home, other women went to fight alongside the men. Women had a big impact on the victory of the United States and its allies during the World War II because they committed their lives to serve alongside the men, took men’s place in factories to supply them with needed supplies, and formed volunteer services in the communities.…
Some women also worked in the Army or some sort of work force too. Women had to provide money for their familys so they had to work double jobs while their husbands were over seas.…
“If I were only a man, there would be a place for me,” she wrote. Many women shared similar feelings of frustration, eager to play an active role in the conflict, but held back because by law and tradition. But as the war escalated, many countries found they could not afford to exclude half of their adult populations and doors began to open for women. They went to work in factories. Capital cities became overrun with female office workers. Nurses joined the front line troops, and many women were allowed to fly. Ultimately, more than 150,000 American women served in the Army during World War II. The overall philosophy and purpose of the Women's Army Corps was to allow women to aid the American war effort directly and individually. The prevailing philosophy was that women could best support the war effort by performing noncombatant military jobs for which they were already trained. This allowed the Army to make the most efficient use of available labor and free men to perform essential combat duties. The concept of women in uniform was difficult for American society of the 1940s to accept. In a 1939 Army staff study which addressed the probability that women would serve in some capacity with the Army, a male officer wrote that "women's probable jobs would include those of hostess, librarians, canteen clerks, cooks and waitresses, chauffeurs,…
In World War 2, the efforts from the hard-working women created a new life for women in America. World War 2 served as an all-around change to American society, by enabling several war-time propagandas, including “Rosie the Riveter,” influenced several women to leave their comfort zone and begin work in the men’s playing grounds. The transition from housewife to a new factory or defense worker, came with several hardships while the men were overseas at war. In many cases, the work was hard, dangerous, and insulting. In the workplace, men who had stayed behind to run their stores, laughed and mocked at the woman if they were unsure of which tool did, or even made racial gestures towards them.…
From 1941 to 1945, the United States participated in the infamous global war known as World War II in response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. While soldiers were fighting in different countries, the U.S. Homefront was progressing in new aspects of life and adjusted their comfort of living to help the soldiers at war. Rationing became common during WWII and the government highly encouraged it. In addition, women were seen differently by society because they began taking on new jobs that were usually performed by men. Although some components of American life were on the rise, others were steadily worsening. For example, hatred towards Japanese Americans was very prevalent. Overall, the United States Home front was impacted positively because more women entered the workforce and American citizens cooperated with the government to support their soldiers, but there were some negative aspects such as racial prejudice towards minority groups.…
Some think that only the Jews were affected during the time of the Holocaust. However, this is highly inaccurate. People all across the spectrum were affected by this disastrous event in our World history. Even though the majority of the killing was in Germany, families from all across the globe were affected negatively. All families during the Holocaust were affected by economic, social, and political challenges; people from all nationalities, race, and countries felt the impact of the second “Great War”.…
In Kansas, many women would be hired in Wichita to work in the aircraft plants. These women who worked in factories were often paid very little. However, women who worked on farms generally received no pay and many saw no problem with this as they saw it as doing their patriotic duty. In other parts of the U.S. women were hired for more various jobs, in Kansas, the emphasis was on farming as we now needed to supply food for a war.…
Women’s fate changed when World War 1 swept into the United States. Women have contributed a significant amount for the development of the United States but they were not always independent. With the start of the Great War, improvements for women started to occur. The gender barriers for women were broken as women entered the workforce. World War 1 was a military conflict which lasted for four years involving nearly all the biggest powers of the world. As men started leaving for the war front, life on the home front became a challenge for women who had to take care of the household and earn money. The traditional family roles were changed and women took up jobs of men. The lack of restrictions on women in the United States during World War…
In WWI women are usually not recognized as much as the soldiers were but the women did in fact play a large role in the war. Women did as much as they could to support the war such as work in factories and other war industries. Unlike other countries the women of Italy were paid for working under terrible conditions. Many women were picking up what the men had left behind. Women were employed as railroad ticket agents, street sweepers, and telegraph operators. Women actually were the ones who devised the Italian gas masks.…
Before the war, women were to stay at home and be a part of what historians call “the Cult of True Womanhood.” At this time, “true women” devoted their lives to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the house for their husband and children. As the war began, women started drifting away from their domestic jobs, started working on the front line, started finding ways to be a part…
During World War 2 (1939-1945), American men left their home to defend their country against Hitler and the Japanese Empire. Since the majority of the male workers left, many jobs were in demand to support the troops with supplies. Until this time women were frustrated at not being able to actively contribute to the war efforts because of law and traditions. The vacant jobs allowed the women to give their energy, time, and even some gave up their lives as well as sacrificing their sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers away to the war efforts.…