The United States had created a new social contract in the form of its Constitution, in which they realized the ideas of Enlightenment. The natural rights of man, and the ideas of liberty, equality, and freedom of religion, were no longer unrealistic Utopian ideals. The framers of U.S Constitution rejected the Greek model of civic republicanism. They distinguished between the notion of “democracy” and their own proposed system of representative democracy. This made the bourgeoisie of Europe reconsider their own government and monarchic systems.
How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?
The culmination of all these factors was seen in the French Revolution, where the revolutionaries formed their own slogan, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. Europeans obtained information about the American Revolution from soldiers returning from America. French soldiers returned to France with ideas of individual liberty, popular sovereignty and the notion of republicanism.
The French then revolted against their ineffectual monarchy, which they saw as tyrannical.
The experiences of women during the American Revolution were as varied and dynamic as the women themselves. While the individual experiences of women differed, depending on various factors such as level of education, socioeconomic status and physical location, the revolution affected women from all walks of life.
Women remained separate from the institutions of political life at a time when Americans proclaimed liberty and political participation as their “birth right” but individual heroic acts broke the rules and astonished leaders. The public arena where political conflict and activity