Thanks to Zoha Ali & Asad Ali
1.Scenario: Lady with dry eyes and dry mouth... diagnosis is
b.Milkulicz syndrome?
2 Smooth and cordinated movement by
a. basal ganglia(Ans)
b. spinocerebellar
3.Scenario: elderly,diplopia,granuloma,raised b.p
a. giant cell arteritis(Ans)
b. takayasu disease
c. wegeners Granulomatosis
4. Zinc required for a cellular oxiadtion(Ans) b glucose oxidation c 5. Maxillary artery form a 1st arch(Ans) b 2nd arch
6.Testosterone causes transient bone growth because? a it causes epiphyseal closure(ans) b downgrade its receptors c 17 ketosteroid
7 GFR decreased by a afferent arteriolar contraction(ANS)
b.renin increases
c.efferent arteriolar constriction
8 Aotosomal recessive
a. Achondroplasia
b. Marfans syn
c. Alpha1 antitrypsin defiecncy(ANS)
d. Neurofibramatosis
9 Nucleus a continous with rough endoplasmic reticulum(Ans) b conatin pores
10 basophila in cell due to which organelle? a ribosomes(Ans) b glogi apparatus
11 fatty liver NOT seen in a viral hepatitis(ans) b congestion of liver c pregnancy d obesity e alcohol12 scenario: pt with increased heaptic glycogen with normal structure, no inc in serum glucose after giving fructose,enzyme deficiency a fructokinase b glucose 6 phospahate(Ans) c hexokinase
13 scenario 6 yrs old, given anti malarial, hb low, ad coke cloured urine,( inc tlc n platelets were also there may b) a g6pd deficincy(Ans) b black water fever c Paroxysomal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
14 vasodilators a PGI2(ans) b ltc4 c ltd4 d TXA2
15 difference bw kwashiorkor and marsmus a bilateral pitting edema(Ans) b muscle wasting
16 Two point discrimination sensor a mesiners corpuscles b merkels disk c Golgi tendons d free nerve e muscle spindle
17 which is not a direct effect of cushing syndrome? a facial hair growth(ans) b buffalo hump c muscle weakness d thin limbs
18 hormone