O’lan, after
O’lan, after
From a young age Ning Lao Tai-tai was a very active young girl, so her feet were not officially bound until she was seven years old. Foot binding originated in Imperial China around the tenth-eleventh century. As her older sister, Ning Lao Tai-tai got married when she was fifteen, to a man older than her. Ning Lao Tai-tai gives birth to a total of four children, three living to adulthood, two daughters and a son. Ning Lao Tai-tai resembled her grandfather, in regards to their square faces. Ning Lao Tai-tai lived as a daughter, a wife, a concubine, a mother, and a servant. Throughout her life she worked, she was homeless, and she was feeble.…
In this passage from “No Name Woman,” Maxine Hong Kingston imagines what old world China was like, and paints a picture of a repressive, strictly ordered society in which people were essentially unable to have private lives. Everything had to be done for the sake of the family’s or village’s well-being. In such a world, Kingston’s aunt represents the worst kind of transgressor, one whose private lusts disrupted the social order and threatened the very existence of the village. Kingston uses interesting and imaginative stylistic techniques to represent the “circle” or “roundness” of Chinese life and the struggle this creates for both the village and No Name Woman.…
In Pearl Buck's, The Good Earth, more dynamic characters come into play throughout the book. O-lan takes the role of an obedient yet strong-minded housewife who was a former slave and is now controlled by her husband, Wang Lung. In this position she doesn't have much of a choice in her actions or decisions and remains loyal to Wang Lung. Her passive behavior causes a lack of emotion and dialogue in the book. Due to this absence of context, she remains a flat character. Although little is known about O-lan’s thoughts, throughout the book small glimpses of her past are shown which give an overall greater meaning, and importance, to her character.…
Jook-liang’s thought about people has been affected by Poh-Poh’s traditional Chinese thinking that a girl is useless. First of all, it makes Jook-Liang have a negative view about the boys. “Baby Brother was sick again. Always sick. Always getting all the attention; always snoring because of his congested lungs, though he had no fever.”(Choy 26). In this quote, Jook-liang is complaining about her little brother. Because he is a boy, he is always getting all the attention from others, when he was sick, he would be taken care of by all the family members. Even Jook-Liang has to wash the diapers for him. That is not fair in Jook-Liang’s view; she never receives such good treatment. So she has some contradiction about boys, because they are treated much better then her. Moreover, this traditional Chinese thinking makes her dislike her grandmother.…
I think the author use flashback technique in her story. She write some scene which takes the narrative in time from the current point in the story. The readers understand that the author write about Old China, because she describe some traditions. Women in that time have not the rights, the main character could not say her opinion for her husband, father, brothers. Women can only do what the men order them. But in the old China women and men have different rights. Men can command the women, men more dominate at that time. Also, they have choice to study or marry. In addition, them government or parents give a field.…
The woman was raped by someone in the village. In those times it wasn’t considered rape because she was just doing what the man had told her to do. In tose times in China women had to do whatever a man asked them to do no matter what it was. The society gave the men everything and the women were nothing more than possessions that men could do with what they pleased. Women were worth nothing back then.…
The Death of Woman Wang, by Jonathan D. Spence, paints a vivid picture of provincial China in the seventeenth century. Manly the life in the northeastern country of T’an-ch’eng. T’an-ch’eng has been through a lot including: an endless cycle of floods, plagues, crop failures, banditry, and heavy taxation. Chinese society in Confucian terms was a patriarchal society with strict rules of conduct. The role at this time of women, however, has historically been one of repression. The traditional ideal woman was a dependent being whose behavior was governed by the "three obedience’s and four virtues". The three obedience’s were obedience to father before marriage, the husband after marriage, and the son in case of widows. The four virtues were propriety in behavior, speech, demeanor and employment. The laws of the land and fear of shame in society dictated that men were allowed to rule over their household leaving women in a powerless state as almost a slave of the home. In P’u’s stories women are portrayed as complex characters who hold important roles in the family, but are treated with little to no respect by authority figures, and other men of higher class. In The Death of Woman Wang, Spence portrays…
In ancient China, many people were treated poorly. Especially girls were treated very badly. Girls had to have their feet bound very tightly with bandages. By the age of 6, it was the law for girls to have their feet tied up. The girls of the family were to work in the house and had few privileges. Farmers and artisans were not treated well because of the amount of money they had; which was not much.…
Chinese women were treated like slaves and did not have the rights or privileges that men had. Women in Chinese society occupied a low and degraded status. The parents of those being married arranged the marriages in Classical China. The outcome of arranged marriages left women with virtually no voice in the society. Women weren’t allowed to have any ambitions as it was deemed unacceptable. It was believed that women did not need to know how to read and write since their main…
In John King Fairbank’s short story, “Footbinding,” Chinese parents choose to bind their daughters’ feet so they could have a better chance for a good marriage arrangement and success in life. A Chinese custom in practice for decades, “Footbinding spread as a mark of gentility and upper-class status” and as a way “[…] to preserve female chastity” (Fairbank 403). At a very young age, parents tightly wrap their daughters’ feet with cloth to prevent growth and change the shape in order to have small feet. Fairbank tells us, “The small foot was called a ‘golden lotus’ or ‘golden lily’ […]” and more desirable by Chinese men (Fairbank 403). It is a sexual attraction for men-a three inch foot is ideal (Fairbank 405). On the other hand, because of their small feet, foot binding prevents women from doing physical labor, keeps them in the home and safeguards male domination in China (Fairbank 406). Not only does it restrict what women can do, it is a very painful process. Foot binding, a cultural norm in earlier Chinese society, has many negative consequences which outweigh the positive consequences.…
The Good Earth follows the life of a Chinese farmer, Wang Lung, in pre-revolutionary China throughout the course of his adult life. As the title suggests, the heart of this book and the center of the main character’s life is the earth. Not in the sense of Earth as a planet or as a representation of humanity, but as the land that belongs to Wang Lung. His poverty and riches coincide with the draughts and the rain. Deeper than this, however, is the synchronization of his morality with his connection to the earth. This is the overarching theme of Buck’s novel. Contemporary Literary Criticism (vol. 11) writer, Malcolm Cowley puts simply, “[‘The Good Earth is] a Parable of the life of man, and his relation to the soil that sustains him.” To analyze this and illustrate the changes of Wang Lung’s life in relation to his land, this paper will be broken down into two main sections, each dedicated to an important element of Wang’s life.…
In early imperial China, the way of life was very different than it is in China today. Men were known to have taken care of the fields. Women were to stay at home and to their woman’s work. Their work consisted of sewing, weaving, spinning, and embroidery. This is the Confucian way of how to be a good woman. Although, it was not necessary for these jobs to be done year- round; many women also had the job of tea picking. In that time, people believed that women who picked tea would turn out to be good woman and caused them to be better respected through their hard work (Lu).…
Although the conditions for Qing women, especially upper class ones, were slowly improving (there is some evidence of female writers, poets, and painters), women were still seen as far second-class and subordinate to men and had few, if any, rights. They were not allowed to divorce their husbands, and they could be sold into slavery or prostitution if their parents or husband so desired. Footbinding, a practice in which a girl’s feet are broken and her toes slowly folded under the soles of her feet in the hopes that she would become more marriageable, was a common practice. Concubinage was also commonplace, as was infanticide of female children. These practices show how a woman was judged in society—her worth was determined by her beauty, her ability to be married off for a good price, and her ability to bear male children. Like the structure of society and family life in Qing China, the place of women in society was based on Confucianism; Confucius’ teachings explicitly subordinated women to men. For example, an old Chinese proverb that has been passed down through the centuries is, “The most beautiful and talented daughter is not as desirable as a deformed…
The death of woman Wang is written by Jonathan D. Spence, a famous scholar of East Asian studies. This book is focus on the early days of Qing dynasty, when Qing dynasty had only been established for about 20 years, the government, even though the whole society, are in their infancies. The author discusses issues of a small county in northeastern China ---T’an-ch’eng, which is in the province of Shantung. The genre of this book is difficult to be identified; it consists of a component of fiction, since the author describes a large number of stories; as well as a component of historical reconstruction, since the author introduces the county’s environment and events according to reliable historical resources. From a reader’s perspective, I find this work fascinating. The author achieves a great success in characterizing the society, and throws valuable topics to think about.…
“Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is the light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran. However true this utterance may be, in nearly every culture all through history, women have been required to undertake major and sometimes painful physical modifications in the insistence of the name of beauty and social status. The Chinese tradition of foot binding could be considered to be among the most barbarous of traditions. With that being said the custom of binding young girl’s feet played a salient mantel in the history of china.…