This task began with a review of the current structure of Walmart. An updated organizational chart was completed. As a team we revisited what the founder of Walmart Sam Walton set out to achieve. The belief that true leadership depend on willing service was the code on which Walmart was built (Walmart, 2014). Sam Walton was determined to lower the cost of living for everyone (Walmart, 2014). Armed with this information our team also conducted a SWOT analysis. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths were reevaluated that helped guide our strategic plan.
Walmart currently is ranked first place according to the Fortune 500 company list. This is evidence that Walmart is leading the way in many areas. The strategic plan consists of reviewing current operations (Forbes, 2014). This review, as well as the weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis shows that improvements must be made to the culture so that the weaknesses could eventually turn into strengths. The team decided to make only minimal changes to the organizational chart. The department added is Organizational Management that would address the underlying issues within the culture.
By adding the department of organizational management at the top of the Walmart’s organizational structure, it will address the very important weaknesses that Walmart is facing in regarding to cultural issues. Their cultural related issues are high employee turnover, labor lawsuits, and negative publicity (Jurevicius, O. 2013). Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world, and their strategic planning on low cost and scale of operations has separated them from the rest of their competitors.
As you can see on chart two, the new