In this assignment we will be looking at the five stages of the teaching cycle and once identified describing their roles, responsibilities and boundaries. The cycle can be followed by teacher and learner alike and must be followed for learning to be truly effective as described in the following quote: Ann Gravells (2008: 27) “It’s called as cycle as you can start at any point, but you must follow through all the other points for teaching and learning to be effective.”
We will join the teaching cycle at the “Identify needs”
Identifying Needs and Planning.
The first question you must ask is what the aims and objectives of the course are. What is the expected level of achievement? You must then work out what level your students are currently working at, are there any additional needs identified? In my organisation each student must undergo initial and diagnostic assessment. This helps us to work out how much support will be need. There are a range of additional support mechanisms in place that need to be organised as soon as possible in order for the students to have the highest chance of success.
All of the information obtained previously has to be taken into consideration when designing the course. In order to teach effectively you must pitch it to the appropriate level. As many of my students are work based learners on day release apprenticeships everything covered has to be work based. Functional skills are a good example of this. To these learners, unless they can see a direct link to their job role and the chance to increase their earning potential they do not see the point in learning. Appropriate resources and scheme of works must be completed at this time and lessons planned in advance.
A teacher’s responsibility is to deliver a course, which is appropriate for the learners, takes account of
Bibliography: Books I referred to... Boundary Issues in Counselling: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities by Barbara Herlihy (2 Jun 1997) Achieving Your PTLLS Award: A Practical Guide to Successful Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector by L Mary Francis and Mr Jim Gould (18 Mar 2009) Gravells, A. & Simpson, S. (2009) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector. United Kingdom: Learning Matters Ltd. Petty, G. (2009) Teaching Today, 4th Edition. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Tummons, J. (2009) Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 2nd Edition. United Kingdom: Learning Matters Ltd. Wilson, L. (2009) Practical Teaching: A guide to PTLLS & DTLLS. London: Cengage Learning EMEA