Karen Husband October 2011.
I am currently employed as an Employability Skill’s Trainer for Scout-Enterprises, and we form part of a network of providers for the New Work Programme in Gwynedd. My main role is to help people who are long term unemployed to get back into sustainable work by helping them to overcome barriers and participate in training and work placements. My main role as trainer/tutor is to plan lessons appropriate to the learners needs and to prepare appropriate material and recourses for each session. Also to provide support, guidance and one to one help to any learner in accordance with the teacher trainer cycle, and to undergo regular assessments not only of the sessions but of my own delivery to enable me to provide better support of learners and continuous reviews of my own professional development to be able to provide up to date teaching methods and information.
It is my responsibility within my role as trainer/tutor to be fully aware of the requirements of the learners. An induction is held for all customers to ensure that they are provided with all the requirements in regard to Health and Safety, (making them aware of fire regulations and first aid facilities.) Data protection, (making them aware of there rights to see information about them, as well as the sharing of said information with other organisations and employer’s) and various other requirements of the programme they are on in regards to harassment and bullying, grievance and complaints and facilities available and use of said facilities.
Soft skills and basic literacy and numeracy assessments are used to assist in the planning and design of sessions to ensure that they are delivered at an appropriate level in line with the individual needs of the learners. As well as determining the level the learners are working towards. It is important to remain as flexible as possible in the delivery of the sessions to be able to,
References: The core of Kolb 's four-stage model is a simple description of the learning cycle which shows how experience is translated through reflection into concepts, which in turn are used as guides for active experimentation and the choice of new experiences. Kolb refers to these four stages as: concrete experience (CE), reflective observation (RO), abstract conceptualization (AC) and active experimentation (AE). They follow each other in a cycle. (Figure 1). The cycle may be entered at any point, but the stages should be followed in sequence. The learning cycle thus provides feedback, which is the basis for new action and evaluation of the consequences of that action. Learners should go through the cycle several times, so it may best be thought of as a spiral of cycles. In brief Kolb conceptualizes the process of action research as "a spiral of action and research consisting of four major moments: plan, act, observe and reflect