It is a requirement as part of my job to obtain my BSN degree to work in a management position. This has been a long-term personal goal for almost 20 years. I have started the program and stopped twice. This is now a position requirement, and no longer an option to complete the BSN program. There are thoughts that come to mind. An immediate behavioral change must occur to make this possible. To avoid any obstacles or barriers, a well defined action plan, including timeframes will be created to get the job done. Setting both long and short-term goals as well as establishing a plan will enable me to focus and create a path to reach those goals (Chapter 4 keys to effective learning). not a correct citation-see APA sample paper. Identifying and writing down my goals is the first step to creating the action plan. My long- term personal and professional goal is to obtain my BSN degree. According to Morisano, Hirsh, and Peterson (2010) “Well-defined goals appear to help individuals discover and use ever more efficient strategies and modes of thought and perception’. (p. 255) That is a correct citation.
This is a job requirement as well as for personal growth and development. It is my intent to be working for many years to come and acquiring this degree will afford me more career opportunities. My short- term goals both professionally and personally are in line with the goal of obtaining the BSN degree. I will need to complete the work assignments timely to pass the classes. Balancing home life and a regular exercise routine is also part of plan. There will be barriers that cross my path, but I am ready.. two periods?? Time management and organizational skills are essential to a well defined plan. I will need to streamline my daily workload incorporating activities into the timeline. Working full- time is definitely going to cause stress and potentially decrease my energy level. Fortunately, there
References: Braxton et al., 2004; Dale & Sharpe, 2001; Kuh, Kinzie, Buckley, Bridges, & Hayek, 2007 Bishop, J., Carter, C., Kravits, S. L. (2011). Keys to effective learning: Chapter 4: Setting and Reaching Goals: Using Values, Stress Management, and Teamwork (6th ed.) Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Morisano, D., Hirsh, J. B., & Peterson, J. B. (2010). Defining Goals. Journal of Applied Psychology , 95(2), 255-264. Second line of a reference should be indented.