Many interest group are formed to compete for economic resources, others are formed to support their positions like abortion and gun control. The limited resources these group compete for is not money or real estate but rather the use of governmental power to enforce a particular set of value. Interest groups come in various kinds. They range from very liberal to very conservative and some in between. Lobbyists pursue nearly every imaginable goal, from tax credits to fundamental revisions of American Political Culture. There are also wide varieties of interest groups that are organized for the sole purpose of exerting influence on the political and legal system. These group play a central role in deciding who gets what, when, …show more content…
1. Economic Groups: groups with a primarily economic focus include business and trade associations such as the National Florists …show more content…
Labor Unions: Unions are generally formed to provide laborers with the power of collective bargaining against the strength of business and corporations.
Top contributors from Financial/ Insurance / Real-estate Sector for 2015-2016 (total of $234,152,982) which went 33.9% to Dems and 66.0% to Repubs.
• Wilks Brothers - $15,022,100
• Renaissance Technologies - $13,133,550 e.t.c.
Misc Business ($ 122,544,134) in which 46.6 % went to Dems and 53.3% went to Repubs.
Ideology/ Single- Issue ($52,699,878) in which 38.4% to Dems and 61.4% went to Repubs.
Lawyers & Lobbyists ($ 50,699,878) in which 62.6% went to Dems and 37.4% Repubs.
Those mention above are some of the top contributors, which majority of the money goes to Republicans. As to why they donate such large amount of money to candidates can vary from groups to groups, as I mentioned above, each groups have their own interest in contributing; but generally Donations are, for the most part, not made to buy votes or to buy access, but are used by many groups to try to bring the distribution of ideological positions in Congress closer to the ideal point of the interest group. This is not to say that access is not an important part of the donation process; however, the primary goal of donations from PACs is to influence election outcomes. For example, if a person wants to support candidates who oppose gun control, he or she can contribute to the PAC that represents the National Rifle Associations. The PAC, then, will make direct