Marcie Wallace
BUS 372
Professor Motley
February 4, 2013
When we try to describe management, our first notion is generally of a manager who obtains a role and who has charge over its people. However, in the case of cognoscente employees, who oversee each other, management is seen as in action, one that can appoint everyone. Hence, when we describe management as a personification, we modify it to something that alludes to managers only. Such a description is not only a restricting one, it is one that does not rationalize for the way work and obligation has changed.
Many influences affect single and group etiquette in the workplace. Many of these are external to the workplace, and include guidance of universal social forces that shape a one’s behavior from early childhood. Some examples are religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status; physiological influences that dictate both opportunities and coercion, like age and gender; and the guidance from life choices those individuals make, such as professions and geological location (Dominica, 2012).
To create a credible organization, directors even if in small amounts, must presume their important leadership role, but also be able to implement it effectively. Management involves instituting long-term goals, planning and establishing budgets, designating necessary resources. Nevertheless all this must have a head start by building and revealing the vision, mission and strategy, activities belonging to leaders. Compared to management, the leadership character is related to the altering process and that is why it is becoming progressively important, given that the environment is more and more elusive and competing. In these state of affairs, leaders should give focus on the cutting edge and perpetual improvement scenario, which can persuade to a maintainable organization (Ivey Business Journal, 2013).
Good managers learn how to master the basic five functions, which are: 1. Planning. This
References: Sloane, A., Witney, F. (2010). Labor relations. (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780136077183 Domnica, D. (2012). THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN IDENTIFYING THE PREMISES OF THE FUTURE ORGANIZATION. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre, 17(2), 154-161. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 4 February 2013. A NEW ROLE FOR MANAGEMENT IN TODAY’S POST-INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - Ivey Business Journal. (n.d.). Ivey Business Journal - Improving the practice of management. Retrieved from Geary, J. F. (1993). A new collectivism or trade union marginalisation? The role of trade unions in the introduction of new work structures. Management Research News, 16(5), 57-57. Retrieved from Greenwood, D. T., & Holt, R. P. (2010). Local economic development in the 21st century: Quality of life and sustainability. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe. Mintzberg, H. (1973). In The nature of managerial work. New York: Harper & Row.