In 2013, Doris was diagnosed with dementia when Doris received …show more content…
The terminal phase of dementia would be stage seven on Reisberg (1982) Global Deterioration Scale in which basic psychomotor skills are lost with the progression of this stage.; the brain is unable to tell the body what to do. In this stage of dementia, the average span lasts two and a half years before the individual dies, with this stage seven dementia in terms of Rolland’s model (1999) is the terminal phase of dementia. At the present moment, Doris; dementia has not progressed to this severity where the disease would be deemed …show more content…
This phase is referred to as the day to day living with the illness as it progresses (Rolland, 1999). Examining Reisberg (1982) GDS scale, the chronic stages of dementia would range from stage three to stage six. This chronic phase of dementia on average progresses through the course of ten years (Appendix C). In stage three the effects of dementia include word and name finding deficits, and decreased facility in remembering names upon introduction to new people (Reisberg, 1982). This cognitive declination continues progressively throughout the stages up to stage six. In stage six Reisberg (1982) states that individuals at this stage are unaware of all recent events and experiences in their daily lives as well as becoming unaware of their surroundings. At this point in time, Doris is in the chronic phase of dementia, on the GDS scale, Doris is stage three. With her progression into dementia, Doris along with her children all sat down and discussed what is best for her health. A consensus was reached, and the decision for Doris to move into a long-term care facility was made. By living at a long-term care center, Doris would not have to worry about cooking, being alone or forgetting important tasks that could put her safety at risk. The chronic phase of dementia is progressive through the moderate severity of the illness. When looking at abilities to perform activities of daily living individuals in the chronic phase