Change is modification of a structure or process of a system, that maybe good or even bad. It disturbs the existing equilibrium or status quo of an organanization, or various other parts of an organization in varying degrees of speed and significance, this is further explained in reference to the Rolls Royce Case Study:
When change takes place to due to external forces it is called a reactive change. This can be achieved by applying an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to achieve a positive result. Parties concerned include: purchasers, contractors and manufacturers, especially for supply chains. A critical factor to eliminate failure is planning and pre testing the temperament of an ERP. In the past, business measured competition on the price and quality. The inclusions of the following systems are critical for supply chain units to operate in harmony, they include: new technology, electronic data exchange (EDI), Manufacturing Resource planning (MRPII), enterprise resource planning (ERP). The implementation of ERP in business since the early 90’s has reduced costs, be highly implemented and maintain high quality standards. (Lucas et al., 1988).
SAP (Systems, Applications and Process in Data Processing) became the common denominator for most businesses to integrate the organizational processes by using one common language.
The real time concept “R” variable within SAP, evolved since the birth of SAP, with an intention of having a high end business solution. This approach was to address both software and application needs of the business. Rolls Royce ventured into a few company acquisitions before analyzing its abilities in gaining a commercial enterprise. The company found a secure niche in the US markets, allowing the business to be deemed as great stakeholders for aerospace and defense industry. This iconic revolution resulted in the implementation of initiating a well structured organization to meet customer requirements.
Rolls Royce attempted