Foreign Languages Faculty
1. Nguyễn Ngọc Cúc
2. Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Linh
3. Phan Quỳnh Bửu Chi
4. Trần Khánh Bích Hằng
5. Hồ Diễm Kim Ngân
6. Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Linh
7. Đoàn Thị Tố Loan
8. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Lâm
9. Đoàn Văn Luận
10. Phạm Tiến Đạt
Through the fight between the two women which is even more severe than that of Colosseum’s male gladiators and makes the two women to lose all sense of shame, E. Wharton’s Roman Fever disappoints the expectation of women as being necessarily morally superior to men.
I. Society expects women to be necessarily morally superior to men
I.1 Society imposes a lot of moral standards on women (Loan)
I.2 Society has less strict judgments on men (Ngân)
II. The fight between two women disappoints the expectation of women as being necessarily morally superior to men because it is even less moral than that of Colosseum’s male gladiators and the two women even do not want to hide their immoral behaviors
II.1 The fight between the two women is even less moral than that of Colosseum’s male gladiators because the gladiators mainly bet on their human lives where as the two women bet on much more than that
II.1.1 In the hope of getting their legitimate happiness, Colosseum’s male gladiators mainly bet on their human lives to fighting against each other (Hằng)
II.1.2 The two women bet on much more than that
II.1.2.1 The two women bet their valuable youth on fighting each other because of their jealousy and their fighting is more immoral during their youth (Chi)
II.1.2.2 They use their bodies to fight against each other (Lâm)
II.1.2.3 They use their marriage to fight against each other (Hoàng Linh)
II.1.2.4 They use their daughters to fight against each other (Đạt)