The Romani culture, for example, is a very unique culture that suffers a great deal of persecution. Due to their tendency to frequently move, the Romany people have repeatedly been called the degrading name, gypsies. Other names in which they have been known by include "Tisane, Tisane, Cigna, Iguana, and others" (Curbed, November 1996). Their nomadic lifestyle and unusual characteristics have caused a great deal of distrust with other cultures. The Romani ethnic group can be traced back over one thousand years ago to the subcontinent of India. The group has migrated from India since that time and can now be found in many countries around the world. The Romani 's like to call themselves by Rom or Roma according in which tribe they belong to. It is made clear that they have no affiliation with the country of Romania or the city of Rome rather they are their own distinct and unrelated entity. The Romani group has partaken in several major migrations in which they are noted for. "First was the initial break from India, next known as Aresajipe, was the move from Asia to Europe in the 14th century, and third was the migration from Europe to the Americas in the 19th and early 20th centuries"
References: Arias, David Lagunas. (June 2002). Modern Gypsies. Romani Studies, 12 (1), p35 Courbet, Marko. (November 1996). The Patrin Web Journal: Romani Culture and History [Online]. Available: Curry T., Jiobu R., & Schwirian K. (1997). Sociology for the Twenty-First Century. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Religious (July 1998). The Religion and Culture of the Roma. Available: (August 1998). Opre Roma! Available: