When one repents of their sin, and is baptized for the removal of their sins, they are freed from the rule of Satan, and made to be part of the Kingdom of God. Romans 6 makes it quite clear that when we are baptized, we die. The word "myself" became meaningless upon death. Just as Jesus was raised through the glory of God the Father, we too are raised from death at baptism. This is not a physical death I speak of. In John 3:1-6, Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus about the concept of being reborn into righteousness. While the example is different than the account in Romans, they still carry the same concept. On a personal level, we are not supposed to be the same person we once were when we leave the waters of baptism. The old man within us is supposed to die in the water, and we are …show more content…
However, Romans 6:15 continues the thought process of dying to sin. A slave is obedient to the master whom that slave serves. If the slave is trying to please self, he will be obedient to self. After baptism, one becomes a slave to God, and should serve God. By submitting to the will of God, we become a slave to righteousness. Unlike the U.S. we cannot simply sign a independence from Satan. One who commits ANY sin breaks the law, and sin is lawlessness. If you have committed a sin, you have broken the law, and you are seperated from God. In order to be reconciled with God, and be freed from the chains of sin, we must make a declaration of dependence on God. We do this by repenting, and becoming baptized. We must also be obedient slaves to God, and do the things that He tells us to do, instead of doing what we want to