By the time of the New Testament, Roman society, which influenced most of the events that helped to spread Christianity, was stratified, that is, the society was calibrated into classes. These class designations in one way or another informed the notion behind several concepts and writings put forward by the New Testament writers to the audience.
By the time of the New Testament, Roman culture, was distinctively marked by several lifestyles and cultural norms and practices, most of these were confronted by the gospel as they ran contrary to the demands of the New Testament beliefs. They include, but are not limited to: (a) Moral decadence: there were various forms of immoral practices that the Romans considered a normal way of …show more content…
We can see the growth and impact of early Christianity as a response to the shortcomings of Roman …show more content…
In Roman society, slavery took various forms and was complex; the laws regulating it varied from province to province and time periods.
In the ancient world, a society could be classified as a slave society if about 30% of its inhabitants were slaves. The Roman Empire, especially the city of Rome, fell into this category, as it is estimated that close to 3 million of its 7.5 million inhabitants (which is roughly 40%) are slaves, though in some other parts of the empire the number is far less.
The need for slaves
The need for the empire to send more of its citizens into the military played a significant role in the emergence of the empire as a slave empire; slaves were needed to supply a significant portion of Rome’s labor force. Slaves, particularly in the agriculture sector, were very much needed to fill in the workforce. Other areas where slave services were needed included: (a) administration, where slaves were employed by the government to manage tasks like record-keeping. b) Population needs: Slaves helped increase the population of the empire and supported urbanization. again, because slaves were more efficient than free-hired labor, inasmuch as they were always available for their owners’ personal use or for hiring out to