Great changes were brought into the world during the 19th century. Britain was transformed by the industrial revolution. In 1801, only about 20% of the population lived in towns, by 1851 the figure had risen to over 50% and by 1881 already about two thirds of the population lived in towns. By the late 19th century factories were common and most goods were made by machine; it was the time of inventions and discoveries. In addition to the industrial revolution, flourished ‘intellectual revolution’ introducing changes in thinking, brought about by changes in society. The educational system was improved and grew better; the organization of the working class gave the possibility to be elected in Parliament. Democracy started to take place, and due to the political and cultural background also the view of life started to change. The age of realism initially started in France, as realisme, in English literature entering first in 1830s with the period of Early Victorian fiction and continuing till the end of the 19th century. The literature of that time gives reader an insight into the very situation of that time. Gradually increased the popularity of books and literature’s greatness was both quantitative, andaqualitative. Realism is widely defined as “the faithful representation of reality”, attempting to focus on truthful representation of everyday life, in the first place, among the ordinary people - middle or lower class society, without romantic idealization or dramatization. Realism is based on showing life as it is - unvarnished, in contradistinction to romanticism that prospered before the age of realism, treating life in a romantic manner and displaying emotions, feelings and personal experience. On the whole, realism avoids romantic and fantastic elements, exaggerations, thereby providing the reader with descriptions of life’s verisimilitude, psychological approach and characters. The main characters of the
Bibliography: 1. Dickens, Ch. Great Expectations. London: Penguin Books, 1994 2. England in the 19th century [online] available from [accessed May 19, 2010] 3. 19th Century [online] available from [accessed May 19, 2010] 4. Life in the 19th Century [online] available from [accessed May 19, 2010] 5. Realism(arts) [online] available from [accessed May 19, 2010] 6. Realism [online] available from [accessed May 19, 2010] 7. Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens [online] available from [accessed May 20, 2010] 8. Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens [online] available from [accessed May 20, 2010] 9. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens [online] available from [accessed May 20, 2010] 10. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë [online] available from [accessed May 20, 2010]