Learning Journal Unit Five
Briefly discuss how the governments of Rome and Carthage differed.
We have learned a lot about the governments of Rome and that of Carthage in the reading of this week. It was made it clear in the reading and through other materials studied; “Carthage undoubtedly is of great importance to the roman civilization,” (nd). Ultimately, it is seen as the fiercest enemy to the Roman civilization. At the end of the Republic though, Carthage became Rome’s biggest rival and enemy. These battles were to identify which one will gain the supremacy or dominion over the world. Being aware of the impact of those wars, the Romans had done the essential by winning the fight; something that resulted in the …show more content…
Carthage, on the other hand, is a republic comparable to an oligarchy, (nd). Rome was almost a land-based military; while “Carthage's military system was more well-balanced and appeared to be the most powerful one in this time. Therefore Carthage as power could draw its troops across from the Mediterranean, region that includes Iberia (the actual Spain) and the North Africa.Romans and Carthaginians had different religious beliefs. “Romans worshipped Greek’s God and the Carthaginians worshipped Phoenicians gods.” The article went on to say that “Rome was stronger in land army and Carthage stronger in navy. Rome was a representative government Carthage was a republican government Rome was stronger in Land army Carthage was strong in navy.”
These are just some differences between the government of Rome and that of Carthage
Steeve, R., (2011). Carthage and Rome – An Early Clash of Civilization. Retrieved from: https://59steps.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/carthage-and-rome-an-early-clash-of-civilisations/
William C. Morey, (1901). Ph.D., D.C.L. Outline of Roman History.
New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: American Book Company. Retrieved from: