Narrator. This scene opens where Benvolio, Mercutio, and later Romeo meet Tybalt on a street. Romeo had just gotten hitched and is feeling great and calm. Mercutio on the other hand wants to race Tybalt, but it turns bad and needs a little explaining done.
[Exit Narrator and enter Benvolio and Mercutio]
Benvolio. (tired) Come on Daddy-O, let’s cut out. It’s steaming like a hot pot and the Capulets ride, if we eyeball them, then we will have to rumble.
Mercutio. (relaxed and joking) Cool it, you’re just as likely to rumble as me.
Benvolio. (confused) Repeat yourself?
Mercutio. (teasing) Everyone know you’re the one to go cruising’ for a bruising’. You’re the first and last one in a tousle. In a drag you’re always going’ …show more content…
(standing there ground) I didn’t lay a finger on you so cool it!
Mercutio. (to Romeo) Look here, you’re not scared are you? That’s cool, good thing I always blow off.
Tybalt. Don’t go to ape.
Mercutio. We race for pinks!
Tybalt. (to audience) Big shot over here. It’s like he thirsty for blood.
Mercutio. Fire up cause I’m going to kill!
[All exit and enter Narrator]
Narrator. While Romeo and Benvolio watch from the sides, Tybalt and Mercutio have a drag race. Romeo doesn’t want his friend and new in-law fighting so he tries to stop the race. Mercutio swerves out of the way and Tybalt takes this chance to ride into Mercutio causing him to crash. The car is fine but Mercutio is not.
[Exit Narrator and enter Mercutio, Benvolio, and Romeo]
Mercutio. (to Benvolio, hurt and tired but plays it off) It ain’t nothing, the fall barely bit me, but uh…could you be my second?
Benvolio. (helps and supports Mercutio) No problem man.
Romeo. (plays it off) No lie man, can’t hurt much.
Mercutio. Benvolio, you can find be in the dirt.
[Exit Benvolio taking Mercutio to lie down off to the side then re-enter Benvolio]
Romeo. (sorrowful) I’m to blame, I twisted fate and I feel I’m going to get …show more content…
(to Benvolio) What’s the tale, nightingale?
Benvolio. (points to the people off stage as they are saying there line) I got the word from the bird, over there is the man killed Romeo, who earlier killed the man over there, Mercutio.
Lady Capulet. An eye for an eye, kill Romeo in punishment.
Prince. (to Benvolio) Who went off the line?
Benvolio. (pretends to tell Prince the story using there hands to emphasize as the Narrator talks)
[Enter Narrator]
Narrator. Benvoilo then proceeds to tell the story of what happened to Prince, however his version is swayed and Lady Capulet has caught on to him.
[Exit Narrator]
Lady Capulet. (upset) You think this is a big tickle, this man is lighting up the tilt sign! Romeo must not live!
Prince. Let’s steer this straight, Romeo killed Tybalt who killed Mercutio. Who is to pay the punishment now?
Benvolio. (in Romeo’s defense) You would have killed Tybalt anyway for Mercutio’s death, he just did the dirty work.
Prince. I’m no Mickey Mouse but he must pay. He may keep his life only if he stays off our turf and never come back.
[All exit and enter Narrator]
Narrator. That’s the end of this scene, hope you enjoyed, thank you.
[All enter to bow]