The animated show continuously makes jokes whether it’s regarding race, religion, sexual orientation or gender. Although not all of their jokes are ideal, they say things that others may be thinking. This makes them very popular as they’re very obscene in their material. Comedy has been alive and well for longer than we know. Shakespeare wrote two kinds of genres for his plays; comedy and tragedy. Oddly enough, Romeo & Juliet is a comedy. A take about two teens in love, willing to die for each other. It seems like a troubled but powerful romance, but Shakespeare found their naive and forbidden love comical. It seems rather morbid, but this is the humor of some. Humor is widespread and different for some people but we all get the same feeling regardless. In conclusion, humor is a vital role in society. Without humorists, we would live rather dry lives. Everyday we become accustomed to a new meme on social media, increasing out humor knowledge and it mostly makes us feel good. So take away humorists, and you’re taking away a lot of the good that people
The animated show continuously makes jokes whether it’s regarding race, religion, sexual orientation or gender. Although not all of their jokes are ideal, they say things that others may be thinking. This makes them very popular as they’re very obscene in their material. Comedy has been alive and well for longer than we know. Shakespeare wrote two kinds of genres for his plays; comedy and tragedy. Oddly enough, Romeo & Juliet is a comedy. A take about two teens in love, willing to die for each other. It seems like a troubled but powerful romance, but Shakespeare found their naive and forbidden love comical. It seems rather morbid, but this is the humor of some. Humor is widespread and different for some people but we all get the same feeling regardless. In conclusion, humor is a vital role in society. Without humorists, we would live rather dry lives. Everyday we become accustomed to a new meme on social media, increasing out humor knowledge and it mostly makes us feel good. So take away humorists, and you’re taking away a lot of the good that people