
Romeo And Juliet Informative Essay

Satisfactory Essays
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English 1
18 march 2013
1. Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
2. Develop the central idea of each paragraph.
3. Support each paragraph with details and examples.
4. Use clear and varied sentences.
Romeo and Juliet Topics
Tragedy can occur when older people’s rage is carried over to the next generation. When younger people’s parents get mad at someone the younger person automatically has anger towards that person. It is just what happens, the younger person feels like that the parents will love them even more because they have a common hate. Many times it’s not a great thing to do because it gets in the way of life and it also is not healthy for some at a young age to hate someone for no reason. Sometimes it can
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Many people believe that humans can’t change the world especially when they say they can. At the same time there are many people that believe humans can change the world that they want to live in if they set their mind to it. All throughout history there is evidence that shows that one person is strong enough to change the world. For example reformers in Germany and Italy. Many people wanted change and some type of change they got. But at that time they were not as advanced as we are today. At this time we could change the world but no one wants to take the first step. They are afraid that history will repeat itself. But some day someone will realize that they are going to have to take the first step to making the world into how they want it and hopefully it will work …show more content…

A bulk of the population of earth have experience this. There is much tension, disorder and chaos that bring horrible effects. This could happen to one person, a family. Even the entire country. One example is Africa there was so much chaos then and now and their country is not doing so well at the time. It is horrible that people can be the cause of other people’s misery. Also people can be the cause of the chaotic world that brings disaster down to those who live in it. This has not only happen to Africa but also Russia. There have been many cases where a disordered and chaotic world can bring disaster down on those who live in

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