In the article “Sometimes Parents Just Don’t Understand,” the author describes the relationship between teens and their parents. The anonymous author states that parents are seen as “old-fashioned and protective” and not “empathizing” (P. 2, 6). Teens and parents are having a hard time listening to each other because they have different mindsets. Teens have a “semi-matured mind,” which makes them “act on impulse” and do rash things. (P. 6). Parents have a mature mind, but they have trouble empathizing with their children. This causes a lack of communication between both, leading to problems. I agree with the author that parents have trouble understanding their child, but I do not agree that parents are always apathetic. …show more content…
They put their children’s needs in front of theirs. But sometimes, what’s best for children “isn’t always what they want” (p.6). In Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet thinks that it is best for Juliet if she marries Paris because he is a wealthy and distinguished man. She asks Juliet if she could “think of marriage now” since “the valiant Paris seeks [her] for his love” (I.III 75-80). Even though Lady Capulet asks Juliet if she could think of loving Paris back, Juliet can’t do much but obey her orders. Lady Capulet does not pay attention much to Juliet to see if she wants to marry Paris out of love. The Capulets would have an alliance with County Paris, a wealthy man, which would look good for them. Juliet is not asked if she has someone else in mind, implying that her parents are used to her obeying their orders without question. She was asked to “read o’er the volume of young Paris’ face” to see if she could love him. (I.III 87). Lady Capulet was subtly ordering Juliet to somehow fall in love with Paris and agree to marry him. While it seems like Lady Capulet is truly asking for Juliet’s opinion, if Juliet had refused, there would have been dire consequences. The decisions were made for “Juliet’s best,” but it did not really benefit