The references to suicide in ACT 3 scenes 2 and 3 were; to me, when the nurse came in ACT 3 scene 2 and said the it was a piteous corpse, a bloody piteous corpse, pale, pales as ashes…all in gore-blood.
And also another reference was when Juliet was talking about the devil tormenting her in some way because it was her cousin who died and her lover who killed him.
Plus in ACT 3 scene 3 Romeo talks about more about his doom with the Prince. His own death per say. Fiar was using references like it being a deadly sin and how rude and unthankfulness it all is that such a man like Tybalt dieing has to make such a man like Romeo die as we’ll.
2. Explain Romeo’s hatred for his name. What does he say?
Romeo’s hatred towards his name in the scenes was him yelling out how his name and everything that’s happening at the moment is pure and utter torture.
He speaks also of how his own name ‘Romeo’ is being banished. The killing he will have to go through when the Prince gets his hands on him and the sin that made all of this occur is what he talks about after.
He becomes so mad that he say’s he’d rather be dead than banished from his dear Juliet. In the end he also speaks of “death” and “banishment” being words of darkness, black. The guy is extremely mad as I can see.
3. What does Capulet’s ability to change wedding dates at his pleasure symbolize?
The Capulet’s ability to change wedding dates at his own pleasure symbolizes greed to me.
He wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible because he wants the two families to come together.
The wedding also goes up a date because Paris is being so excited about everything, while Juliet doesn’t want anything to do with the guy or the marriage.
With the whole thing about Tybalt dieing, the Capulet’s ability to move the wedding a day early is just an excuse to use against Juliet so that she would have to say yes, for her families stake.
Her family is being very