
Romeo's Strengths And Weaknesses

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Romeo's Strengths And Weaknesses
Romeo is a very well rounded character who possesses many strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are that he will do anything for those he loves and is a very passionate and brave character. This play demonstrates his weaknesses better than his strengths. This play demonstrates a few of Romeo’s weaknesses over and over again. Such as the fact that he will do anything for those he feels strongly about in his life, leading to foolish acts of bravado. This is shown when he travels into Verona, after being banished, to kill himself for Juliet. Even when Tybalt enters “In triumph, and Mercutio slain” (III i127) Romeo claims, “Either thou or I, or both, must go with him [Mercutio]” (III i 134) This shows how far Romeo will go for those he loves

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