“In architecture, the Romans imitated classical Greek styles, but they also created their own new styles. Roman architects used the Greek system of orders and added two more: Tuscan and Composite. Centuries before the Roman Empire reached its height, the Romans had learned from the Etruscans how to build arches. Over time the Romans perfected the arches, and then used it as the basis for new architectural forms such as vaults and domes. Certainly the most famous Roman architect is Vitruvius. We do not actually know much about his own work- only a …show more content…
The Greek and Roman gods were worshipped by the two nations and had similar roles and conditions. Their names however, were different. For example: the Greeks had Zeus and the Romans had Jupiter, the Greeks had Aphrodite and the Romans had Venus. The religion of the Romans differed in some respects from that of the Greeks, every Roman god had something to do, some useful office to perform. There was an elaborate “division of labor” among them. They also had many festivals for many different things.” (Linda Alchin 2016).
“Festivals were more numerous in Rome that in Greece, and were perhaps more piously observed. They had a party in honor of the gods for many different things. For example, they had one in honor of Janus, god of the sabines, the god of beginnings; it was celebrated in the first of January to which the he gave his name. Ancient Greeks and Romans were strongly affected by these gods and goddesses. They worshipped them daily, offering parts of their meal to the gods and taking part in special religious festivals and holidays. “(World Religions Reference Library,