Senses of belonging evolve from the connections made with entities such as people, places and communities. The feeling of connection or relation with these entities is formed from the perception of oneself and the perception of these entities as shaped by historical cultural, social, and personal context.
Romulus my father as a text explores how relationships are affected by inside and outside influences such as changes of context. It also shows how barriers to belonging such as Romulus’s self perception and how others perceived him hindered his ability to feel a sense of belonging in Australia. Gaita does this by using literary techniques and textual features such as simile, metaphors, emotive language and detailed imagery and comparison in Raimond 's landscapes to define and underscore the complex feelings and relationships stemming from the vastly differing characters and contexts within the book.
1984is a renowned classic icon of dystopian society, and makes extensive use of iconography and setting to explore the complex relationships and passionate, polar feelings of staunch belonging and bitter non-belonging. 1984 attempts to explore the effects of forcing people to belong to a collective community that suppresses human feelings / instincts in order to eliminate anything which may oppose the positive perception and feelings of joyful belonging to the leader of the community / Government, Big Brother.
District 9 has a moral, redemption themed storyline, and shows strong examples of group identity, xenophobia, acceptance and rejection. The strong use of historical, social and personal contexts, the visual environment and characterisation helps create passionate feelings of non-belonging and lets the audience experience the effects of barriers to belonging. Along