Introduction: What is workplace safety & Security? And how does it affect hotel customers?
About Thousands of claims annually filed regarding injuries in the hotel industries. Mainly at workplace health and safety must be given more priority in order to define how things are done which in turn results minimising our exposure to risks not just for employees but for hotel customers as well therefore the culture of the workplace needs to be supportive to achieve the aim of minimising harm.
Employer’s duties: There are acts of rules and regulations set all over the world whose objective is to prevent person’s death, injury or illness being caused at workplace or by specified high-risk plant. By law we all have obligations to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and others. The law then forces the employer to provide a safe work place for you and other workers. He must ensure that the health and safety of his staff and customers is not placed at risk and by how business operations are conducted. He must than encourage employees to work for a healthier and safer environment.
This is achieved by 1. Open communication between both parties. 2. Attending team meetings 3. Training and induction sessions 4. Reading company newsletters, flyers or staff notices 5. Talking to your supervisor / manager or other staff. 6. Putting proper sign boards all over the hotel. 7. Spot the hazard identify the jobs or tasks which are likely to happen. 8. Decide on appropriate controls i.e. eliminate, substitute, engineer or isolate, administer (implement policy, procedure or training) also use protective clothing Monitor and review implemented controls to ensure they are effective
General emergency procedures: Special training should be given if some kind of emergency happens at workplace. Also emergency manual should be kept in all guests rooms so that they are aware what should be done in case of