Many Americans were homeless and unemployed, so Roosevelt proposed the Federal Emergency Relief Program that gave “$500 million in direct grants to cities and states…” (Nash 718). Roosevelts also created the Civil Works Administration, that was stated to not always be effective. However, this program at the time put over “4 million people to work on various state, municipal, and federal projects…” that greatly aided in the stimulation of the economy (Nash 718). The Public Works Administration also heavily stimulated the economy through government spending. Government spending went towards constructing public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and courthouses. Roosevelt also came up with the Agricultural Adjustment Act as a solution to the crises dealing with agricultural foreclosures ad evictions. The AAA “sought to control the overproduction of basic commodities” to help farmers that lost their previous “purchasing power” (Nash
Many Americans were homeless and unemployed, so Roosevelt proposed the Federal Emergency Relief Program that gave “$500 million in direct grants to cities and states…” (Nash 718). Roosevelts also created the Civil Works Administration, that was stated to not always be effective. However, this program at the time put over “4 million people to work on various state, municipal, and federal projects…” that greatly aided in the stimulation of the economy (Nash 718). The Public Works Administration also heavily stimulated the economy through government spending. Government spending went towards constructing public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and courthouses. Roosevelt also came up with the Agricultural Adjustment Act as a solution to the crises dealing with agricultural foreclosures ad evictions. The AAA “sought to control the overproduction of basic commodities” to help farmers that lost their previous “purchasing power” (Nash