SFTY100 / B5 Engineer Mauricio P. Ibasco
Homework # 1
Planting a Mango Seedling (2 feet high) JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS | STEPS | HAZARDS | CONTROL MEASURES | 1. Find right location to Plant Mango Seedling | Toxic MaterialsAir PollutantsSoil PollutantsVehiclesPopulations | Plant mango seedling at the beginning of the wet season. Wear appropriate clothing and shower immediately after planting and wash clothing thoroughly. | 2. Dig a hole with accurate size | ExplosivesInsectsHazardous WasteBody PositionAir Pollutants | Make sure the hole is deep enough for the roots to be fully extended. Ensure that stones and twigs are out of the hole to avoid roots to dry out. | 3. Handling the mango seedling carefully | Error-prone SetupRepetitive MotionsAir PollutantsBoredomIrritants | Rinse the sides and top of the root clean immediately before placing the seedling into the ground. | 4. Lay the roots straight down the hole | Body PositionIrritantsAir PollutantsError-prone SetupProcedures | Ensure the roots are straight, fully extended and that the tree is neither too shallow nor too deep in the hole. | 5. Plant mango seedling slightly | Body PositionError-prone SetupAir PollutantsRepetitive MotionsBoredom | Be careful to plant seedling as it may contribute to surface root formation in the long run. | 6. Cover the seedling with soil. | ProceduresWork PressureFalling PotentialIrritantsSoil Pol | Make sure the filling of the hole allowing soil to fall in around the roots. | 7. Tamp the soil. | IrritantsInsectsError-prone SetupFatigueBoredom | Be careful when tamping the soil as this can cause the soil to clod or not receive enough water and oxygen. | 8. Create a mulched layer. around the seedling. | ProceduresError-prone SetupRepetitive MotionsWork PressureFatigue | Cut crops such as oats, sorghum, “setaria” or mixtures of these with a legume such as soybean that provides open mulch