I. Introduction
A. Attention-getter: Imagine fighting a war where the only weapon you had was your mouth. Where you felt so far outnumbered that the motivation to fight was dwindling, and the chances of seeing tomorrow were close to nothing. Now imagine trying to single handedly change the course of that war, and change the course of many of your peers lives at the same time. Rosa Parks was that motivation
B. Thesis Statement: She changed the outcome of many Americans lives, and over time changed some extremely negative world views and laws as well. Her stubbornness to give up her seat changed the futures …show more content…
A. Started the Civil Rights Movement across America.
a) December 1, 1955 Rosa refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person.
a. According to Kira Albin, she was physically tired from a long day’s work, just like any of us would be after a long day (Albin, 1996).
b. What was different on this day is that she was more tired of how her and her fellow African Americans were treated on a day to day basis: segregation, racism, and Jim Crow laws (Albin, 1996).
c. She pondered on how strong her parents and grandparents have been, and decided that on that day, she too would be just as strong and stand up for herself, which in turn was standing up for African Americans across the country (Albin, 1996).
Transition: This even was the onset of national change, but it was not the first time that Rosa had stood up for herself and others as well, it was more of a lifestyle for her.
B. Lived her life every day to fight racial segregation. Fought for what is right.
a) She started her fight against racism early on in life.
d. She had refused giving up her seat, or walking to the back of the bus numerous times before the famous event that started the civil rights movement (Rosa Parks, …show more content…
g. After moving to Detroit Michigan, she founded a self-development institute in order to help serve troubled youth (Rosa Parks, 2009).
h. She spent her retirement traveling across the country lending support to civil rights events and causes (Rosa Parks, 2009).
Transition: The hard work that she put into fighting for this cause has not gone un-noticed.
C. Changed America forever, and left a big legacy behind.
a) Ended Segregation
i. Her actions and efforts are the biggest reason that segregation has subsided.
j. Her determination and persistence is attributed to the culture changes that were made, and the current predicament that we find ourselves in today.
b) Encouraged equality.
k. Today we live in a country where everyone is equal, and this is a result of that brisk December day in 1955.
l. The leaps and bounds that this country has made would not have been possible without Rosa somewhat literally putting her foot down.
m. Rosa is the reason that we live in the greatest country in existence. She aided in creating the culture of this great nation and setting a precedent for what we should expect out of our citizens and residents.