
Rosangela quiz

Satisfactory Essays
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Rosangela quiz
Rosangela M Rezende
Winter 2015 Business Modeling
2/21/15 3:49 PM
2/21/15 4:40 PM
Attempt Score
1 out of 5 points
Time Elapsed
51 minutes out of 1 hour
Carefully read the following instructions BEFORE answering questions: Study the case “ The Western State Tourist Association” and download data file WesternStates.xlsx from BB9.
Construct the correlation matrix for the variables Y (Number of calls), X1 (Number of advertisements placed the previous week), X2 (Number of calls received the previous week), X3 (Number of airline tour bookings into Western cities for the current week). Answer question 1.
Run a multiple regression with Y as the dependent variable and X1, X2, and X3 as independent variables and answer question #2.
Re-run the model excluding X1 (Number of ads placed the previous week) variable and answer questions #3 and #4.
Calculate the descriptive statistics for the model residuals and answer question #5.
Results Displayed
Submitted Answers, Correct Answers

Question 1
0 out of 1 points

The following variables are significantly correlated:

Selected Answer:

All variables
Correct Answer:

Variables Y and X1, Y and X2, Y and X3, X1 and X2

Question 2
0 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements about the estimated model is INCORRECT:

Selected Answer:

The model is statistically significant at 10% level
Correct Answer:

The model explains 83.40% of variance in X2

Question 3
1 out of 1 points

The unexplained variance in Y (Number of Calls Received) is

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Question 4
0 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is correct:

Selected Answer:

The dependent variable is statistically significant at 5% level
Correct Answer:

The effect of X2 (Calls Received Previous Week) variable is statistically significant at 5% level

Question 5
0 out of 1 points

Which of

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