In order to be successful, you must be willing to change your habits in order to improve your future. We have interviewed a manager at Royal Farms. Royal Farms is a privately owned chain of convenience stores headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. As of March 2015, the company operates 162 stores throughout Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Many of the stores also have gasoline sold on the premises. The chain sells many typical, convenience store items such as coffee, candy, soft drinks, bagels and donuts, lotto tickets, and other basic groceries. All locations also offer a kitchen serving hot food items such as chicken, Western Fries, along with sandwiches. Their current slogan is "Real Fresh. …show more content…
As far as safety goes, the manager said “if all staff/store management worked as a team, many accidents could be avoided such as trips and falls”. A serious workplace injury or death changes lives forever, for families, friends, communities, and coworkers too. If a worker is injured on the job, it costs the company in lost work hours, increased insurance rates, workers’ compensation premiums and possible litigation. Productivity is lost when other workers have to stop work to deal with the injury. Even a single injury can have debilitating effects on the business. Another issue that was brought up was work ethic. “if all employees had strong work ethic, we would be able to get many job lists done. Instead of just one employee doing everything”. Companies that want to hold a position of leadership in their industry know it requires talent with the skills and motivation to consistently produce outstanding results. The caliber of their workforce has everything to do with their performance. If you desire to advance in your profession, a strong work ethic will keep your career moving upward. Every employer wants an employee with this kind of mentality. The manager of Royal Farms brought up one more issue that was the most important, communication. “This is the main problem, if we all communicated effectively to each other, there would be no