Bunyan’s Progress
Bunyan’s Progress:
In the story, “ The Pilgrims Progress”, the author, John Bunyan, sends the reader on an eventful journey through the eyes of his protagonist, Christian. Throughout the journey, Bunyan is able to capture significant themes that took place in the 1600s. During this time, many people were strongly influenced by and were faithful in God, but viewed the Roman Catholic Church as having a misleading religion. Throughout one of the more important stages in the story, “Vanity Fair” (Bunyan 1859), effective allegory use with characters, motifs of deception, and language are implemented to introduce an underlying tone, which addresses issues regarding Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church.
In the story, various characters arrive at the Vanity Fair, either intentionally or by chance and each one can be interpreted as having a “double significance”. Upon entering the city of “Vanity”, the first character brought to attention is Beelzebub. He was said to have been “contrived (there) to set up a fair; a fair wherein should be sold all sorts of vanity, and that it should last all year long.”(1860). Through allegorical context, “Beelzebub” can be associated as being “the prince of the devils” (Matthew 12.24), sent there to misguide pilgrims and others who are destined for The Celestial City (Heaven) to follow the desires of the Roman Catholic Church. Many characters have to face Beelzebub including “The Prince of Princes(1860)”, and the two pilgrims (Christian and Hopeful). They were able to escape and not fall into the illusion of Vanity. Unlike, the people who succumb to these unrealities; they truly understand the bible and, therefore, are able to reach salvation and happiness in the Celestial City. Christian’s name alone can be interpreted as being adopted from Christianity. Much like Christian’s loyal pilgrimage to the Celestial city, his religious beliefs were not altered at