A. Sectors of Hospitality and Catering Industry
1. Commercial Sector 2. Catering Service Sector II. Starting Up a Catering Business A. Person qualified for Catering Business B. Location C. Types of Catering Services 1. On Premises Catering 2. Off Premise Catering 3. Comparing Off Premise and On Premise Catering 4. Kosher Catering D. Establishing your Business 1. Caterer’s objectives 2. Getting your Name 3. Methods in Pricing Food and Beverage Events a. Third Method b. Contribution Margin Method c. Multiplier Method 4. Advertisements and Promotions 5. Licensing and Insurance E. Tools and Equipment Needs 1. Determining Equipment Needs 2. Front of the House 3. Back of the House 4. Transporting Equipments III. Catering Personnel and their Responsibilities A. Staffing of Personnel B. Catering Staffs C. Personnel Ethics 1. Handling Customers Complaints 2. Procedural Dimension Elements 3. Personalized Dimensions IV. Sanitation A. Workplace Sanitation B. Food Sanitation and Safety 1. Storage 2. Preparation C. Personnel Sanitation and Hygiene
Hotel and Catering Industry
In line with the business sector, it is true that this is a crucial year in putting up a business. The entrepreneurs are making intelligent thinking on what business they should start.
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