Silliman University
Dumaguete City
Resource Unit On
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Submitted to: Mr. Dominique Ablir
Submitted by: Charles Kevin Ramos Rogelli Anne Real
August 22, 2011
Silliman University
Dumaguete City
A leading Christian institution committed to total human development for the well-being of society and environment.
1. Infuse into the academic learning the Christian faith anchored on the gospel of Jesus Christ; provide an environment where Christian fellowship and relationship can be nurtured and promoted.
2. Provide opportunities for growth and excellence in every dimension of the University life in order to strengthen character, competence and faith.
3. Instill in all members of the University community an enlightened social consciousness and a deep sense of justice and compassion
4. Promote unity among peoples and contribute to national development.
|Specific Objectives |Content |T.A. |T-L Activities |Evaluation |
|At the end of the discussion, the |Definition of terms: | | | |
|students shall: |Stroke is a term used to describe neurologic changes caused by an interruption in the blood supply to a part of the |1 min |Lecture discussion |Oral evaluation |
|Be able to define stroke |brain. The two major types of stroke are ischemic and hemorrhagic. | | |Written