By diversifying and vertically integrating News Corp., in addition to forming strategic alliances and pursuing joint ventures, Murdoch’s corporate strategy allows him to endlessly pursue growth opportunities. In 1954 Rupert Murdoch inherited two Adelaide newspapers, Sunday Mail and The News. He converted The News into a paper dominated by sex and scandal (, a strategy that he later successfully applied to other national papers, and subsequently his international publications. News Corp. includes major holdings in radio and television stations, newspapers and magazines, video and record companies, publishing houses, sports teams, satellite and cable networks, the development of digital broadcasting, the production and distribution of motion pictures and television programming, amongst other investments. The strategy issues News Corp. must appraise are consistently changing to address a dynamic environment and a changing portfolio of companies. The pertinent areas Murdoch has always considered include the threat of intensifying competition and globalisation, the evolution of new technologies, the power of information, and the potential for new alliances. Knowledge of how to operate a multinational company; of overseas markets; and of competitors; decisive leadership; and News Corp.’s unique culture. These resources are invaluable to Murdoch and help position his company as a market leader.
Furthermore, Murdoch’s “great business skill and guile” (Kiernan, 1986, p321), guide News Corp. and help to establish and enact its aggressive growth strategy.
News Corp. has no strategic planners (Gunther, 1998). Decision-making tasks reside with Murdoch and two other executives. Murdoch bets on his instincts which underlie the company’s strategy; News Corp. takes chances