In third grade, I came home from the library with a book called Red Scarf Girl. Out of the entire book, I remember one scene in which all of the schools in the neighborhood are closed. The author and narrator, Ji-Li, is sent to the countryside. For months, she is on a farm. With strangers. And family, friends, or foreseeable future for herself.…
During the brutal winter of 1777, nearly 2,000 American soldiers died at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The Continental Army was being stalled for Winter. So, General Washington led his army to Valley Forge, Philadelphia. His men suffered a long and harsh winter. They didn’t have the resources they needed to survive. Although his men were worn out, sick, and in need of food, they still managed to train and progress. The soldiers came out of the winter disciplined and stronger than ever. The winter at Valley Forge was a time that the continental army was being stalled and suffered a very harsh winter, but in the end they came out strong ready to win the war.…
The Death of Woman Wang, by Jonathan D. Spence, paints a vivid picture of provincial China in the seventeenth century. Manly the life in the northeastern country of T’an-ch’eng. T’an-ch’eng has been through a lot including: an endless cycle of floods, plagues, crop failures, banditry, and heavy taxation. Chinese society in Confucian terms was a patriarchal society with strict rules of conduct. The role at this time of women, however, has historically been one of repression. The traditional ideal woman was a dependent being whose behavior was governed by the "three obedience’s and four virtues". The three obedience’s were obedience to father before marriage, the husband after marriage, and the son in case of widows. The four virtues were propriety in behavior, speech, demeanor and employment. The laws of the land and fear of shame in society dictated that men were allowed to rule over their household leaving women in a powerless state as almost a slave of the home. In P’u’s stories women are portrayed as complex characters who hold important roles in the family, but are treated with little to no respect by authority figures, and other men of higher class. In The Death of Woman Wang, Spence portrays…
Men were not the best suited for it and women took to it with zeal. In…
In the Igbo society there is a huge diversity in gender. Okonkwo a man who thinks of gender as a very important title ,believes that each gender has their own job and that men should do what men do and women do what women are supposed to do, he does not think men should do what women do, or vice versa. As Chinua Achebe stated in chapter 3 paragraph 28 “His mother and sisters worked hard enough, but they grew women’s crops, like coco yams, beans and cassava. Yam the king of crops, was a man’s crop”. This shows that in this diverse society in a simple thing as farming there is a certain crop men grow that women can’t grow. As you read the book you can see that Okonkwo thinks of his wives as just people he is much greater than. You can see in chapter 4 he beats one of his wives, for not making him lunch on time, this is a week of peace and does this to his people. Okonkwo wants his…
Society has created a set of norms and standards which imply that you are supposed to behave, dress, and do things based on your gender. However, Queer theorist, Judith Butler, does not agree with society. Instead, Butler believes that gender roles are not biologically constructed. Butler’s 1990 novel Gender Trouble, examines the extent to which gender and sexuality are performative. Butler’s concept of performative gender is depicted in Michael Chabon’s novel Summerland. The fantasy novel revolves around the protagonist, Ethan, and his friends, who all play baseball and must stop the Coyote from ending the world. In order to stop the trickster god Coyote, Ethan travels through Summerland with a small troupe of friends, playing baseball in…
A Bullet in the Brain, by Tobias Wolff, is a short story published in 1995. The story’s main protagonist Anders, is a book critic by profession but shows that he is also critic of the world around him. Anders happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time in this story and finds himself in the middle of a robbery at his local bank. He is ultimately shot in the head by a robber, due to his smug attitude. The story goes on to explore major events in his life, that oddly do not manifest as memories but one seemingly insignificant moment invades his last, dying thoughts. Anders character is an unlikeable fellow, and his disposition makes it difficult for the reader to muster any compassion for him, or to feel concerned about what this dying man’s thoughts might be.…
It is no secret that Chinese women have long been prevented from experiencing many of the freedoms women in the west generally have; even during the time periods western women would say their freedoms were limited, at best. Women truly were and perhaps still are treated as second class citizens in China but The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck, may have been one of the first published works to convey the plight they faced. Through Buck’s character, O-lan, the wife of a simple farmer, the reader learns a great deal about what was expected of women during this time and the emotions they felt. Foot-bonding, infanticide, and slavery were just a few of the injustices they had to endure. Surprisingly though, many of the reasons for this mistreatment stem from legitimate concerns, considering the situation of the poor Chinese citizens of the time, albeit misguided and often immoral. There are certain factors which could lead a society, any society, to oppress a marginalized group of individuals, such as women, if they culminate ‘just right.’ A common belief that divorce is immoral could lead to the use of prostitutes/concubines. Or widespread poverty could force parents to sell off or kill their daughters to eliminate a mouth to feed that is not contributing to the food on the table. These examples and more are used by Buck to depict the attitude towards women in pre-revolutionary China and, more importantly, what caused such treatment. The Middle East currently serves as an example that this is not isolated to China. The oppression of women has been around as long as slavery, to varying degrees, and in most instances is caused by a unique combinations of factors or a single, overwhelming factor; such as the strict religious adherence observed in most Muslim nations.…
In the works that we came across during the quarter, women identity and social status depend on the male figures of their lives rather than on their individual self. Women in the Qing Dynasty, like women from previous ruling period were divided into three main categories of mother, wife and daughter. When she was little, a girl life and future are depending on her father and his reputation in society; everyone part of the outer sphere refer to her as someone’s daughter because her father is the main male figure of her life at the moment. As a child, a daughter is often spoiled by her parents as a counter measurement for her rigorous journey as a wife and as a mother in the future. Daughters were giving more freedom and flexibility during their…
There are numerous influences that contribute to one’s gender identity. The way in which a person is raised, or nurture that one receives as a child can aid in the formation of gender identity. Parents typically vision their offspring as male or female, and as the boy or girl ages they tend to assume one or the other; masculine or feminine traits. Another possible important factor in the determination of gender identity is culture and the society in which one is a part of. Some may formulate their gender identity according to social norms and how they appear to…
In China, gender inequality still exists between husbands and wives; however, ever since 1950, the tendency of gender positions shared in a marriage is increasing. Both traditional and modern marriages require dowries and bride prices from both families, whereas the economic grows, either one side of the family has to disburse more to the other family. Moreover, the one who has higher education or earn the most has the authority in household. Working inequality is still present in some cities of China, however, the unfairness has improved distinctly from the past. The divorce rate is increasing, since women have the right to divorce and freedom to choose. In ancient China, due to women had overwhelmed by domination of men in marriages, marriages…
In the times of 221 BC Woman in ancient Chinese culture lived accordingly to rules set by men. They lived there lives from when they were born being controlled with no input to what they wanted as they were considered inferior to Men.…
relationships dictated the way that people related to each other, including the way that women…
Everybody in today’s society experiences gender throughout his or her life. However, as a female, I have personally always been affected by the social construction of gender in my day-to-day life, whether I was aware of it or not. Gender is such a prominent aspect of life for everyone that we barely recognize the effect it has on us, especially when it’s constructed within our own families.…
Psychologists say that sexuality is determined in the early stages of childhood but is not a conscious decision. Basically, people are born with their sexuality. That being said, many parents assume there might be something off about their child if they show interest in activities meant for the opposite sex. If their little girl doesn’t like to dress up and would rather play in the dirt, parents start to get suspicious. If their little boy likes dolls and is not all that interested in going outside or playing video games, parents think there’s a possibility of them being gay. But a very important thing to understand about sexuality is that there is no way to tell what sexuality someone is just by how masculine or feminine they are. That is because, like afore mentioned, gender is a spectrum. There are gay men that are very masculine but then some that are also extremely feminine. There are lesbians that seem like straight girls to others because they aren’t as masculine as the stereotypical lesbian. This applies to other…