Introduction to Protists
Go to the website:
What is a protist? [ Protists are very small, singlecelled eukaryotes. ]
What types of environments do they typically inhabit? [ ]
Are bacteria and protists the same thing? Why or why not? [ ]
4) What is a prokaryote?[ ]
5) What is a eukaryote?[ ]
6) What has a more complicated structure: bacteria or protists? [ ] Part B: Click on the links below to learn about the three major groups of protists!
Phylum Sarcodina: Movement with Pseudopods
1) Go to the website:
Next to “Choose Video” click on the Amoeba link 1 and then link 2. Describe the motion that you see: [ ]
2) You will need to travel to new websites to complete this part. Follow this link: and scroll down to answer the following questions: Describe the following about Amoebas:
A. Anatomy: [ ]
B. Diet: [ ]
C. Locomotion: [ ]
D. Reproduction: [ ] 3) Use the “Drawing” tool under the “Insert” tab above to draw and label a simple
Amoeba in the space below: Phylum Ciliophora: Ciliates
1) Please use the following link: to answer the questions below.
a) How big are paramecium? [ ]
b) What are they shaped like? [ ]
c) What do they use to move? [ ]
d) Describe the motion of paramecium through the water? [ ]
e) How many nuclei do they have? [ ]
f) How do they reproduce? [ ]
* Follow this link too see 4 AWESOME Paramecia videos (Video #3 is my favorite!): 2) Please use the following link: to find a diagram of the