The Giver is a book about a totalitarian government that controls its people by outlawing colors, pets and many things we take for granted today. In the dystopian society of “The Giver”, there are many differences from our modern society, some being the age system, the “family units”, and the economy and employment…
In The Giver, The Elders who are the leaders and the members of the government decide on an answer; they choose to let go of the individual right such as freedom of speech and freedom to choose that people had fought for in the past in exchange for the development as a nation which leaves the people without any rights as citizens nor a human being and makes their world a dystopia. The search for what is more important between individual or community good still remains as a mystery for people today and will never have a definite answer. However, this lesson would at least benefit everyone from choosing the wrong…
In The Giver, language is often used as a tool for social control. Many of the terms distort or conceal the meaning of the words we use now, in order to promote the rules and conventions of the community. They affect the behavior and attitude of the people in the community. The terms release, Stirrings, and the Ceremony of Loss are all expressions that have had an impact in The Giver.…
Just imagine a world where everything was the same all the time. Every day, the weather as plain and ordinary as the clothes you wear. This is the world perceived in The Giver. The Giver is a story of a boy named Jonas living in a dystopian society where everything is the same; the people, the homes, the weather. Though they have eliminated all fear, pain, war, and hatred, they have also eliminated choice. But when Jonas is chosen as Receiver, he must fight to bring choice, passion, joy, and love back to the hearts of his community. This type of society differs from modern society. The culture of current-day varies from the novel’s as well as its structure and values.…
Summary of Admission History and Progress Notes: 67-year-old male has a history of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with ejection factor of 24%, chronic left ventricle thrombus on anticoagulant, hypertension, metastasis of prostate cancer, chronic kidney disease stage 3. Patient was admitted to UCSD emergency department on 08/20 after falling down stairs. Patient presented confused but conscious. Upon presentation in the ED he had left face, left arm, and left leg weakness. After MRI and cerebral angiogram, findings were conclusive to a right-sided embolic CVA. Echocardiogram revealed apical ventricular thrombus. Patient presented to ED on Coumadin therapy with INR at 3.1. Patient was not a candidate for thrombolytic therapy. He continued on Coumadin and aspirin 81 milligrams was added. Left-sided weakness resolved within one to two days. Cardiologist at UCSD recommends Cardiac Thrombectomy to prevent further strokes. Neurologist recommends endovascular intervention to prevent future embolic strokes though not during an acute episode. Patient was held at UCSD ED for permissive hypertension during acute stroke. Patient complained of cough with green phlegm over the past few days; chest x-ray findings of no local infiltrate.…
The Giver is about an eleven-year-old boy named Jonas is a light-eyed boy who lives in a Utopian society. Within his society, there is no suffering, no hunger, no war, no color, and no love. There is no uniqueness and everyone is, in essence, the same. No one leaves the community unless they are released, which normally only happens to elderly adults, sick infants, or those choosing to break the rules. When the children turn twelve, they are assigned professions. Jonas was skipped when it was his turn to receive a profession, and at the end of the ceremony he is selected to be The Receiver of Memory. He is the apprentice of The Giver, an elderly man that was the former receiver, which gives him memories of humanity. Jonas gets to experience things like color, emotion, landscapes, passion, all things that are not present in his community. Even though he gets to experience good things like sledding down a hill, he is also exposed to war and death. All of this new knowledge causes Jonas to feel a need to rebel. No one in his community has ever felt any of the things he has recently experienced, and this makes him wonder what else his community is keeping from…
The book, ‘The Giver’, by Lois Lowry is a novel depicting a society where standards and rules are everything. Citizens of the community aren’t allowed to pick a single thing on their own: from the clothes they wear, to the assignments (jobs) they will work they rest of their lives. The community has been blindsided for years, and is highly unaware of the the pick-n-choose world they are missing out on. Consider that our current government had announced they were planning on recreating a population just like that. Having a civilization like the one Lois Lowry wrote about become real, would be an alarming concern. The nation that we live in today would no longer be the same. There would be no more deciding for ourselves. Everything would strictly…
The third way would way would be compassion, because the community cares about us enough to make laws. The Giver informs us “Those who didn’t follow the rules were to be released. Too much conformity can be bad for us in many ways. One way…
Lois Lowry’s novel “The Giver” follows a young boy named Jonas. Jonas, a unique child in his uniform society that controls everything. He lived in a seemingly perfect world. In the book, Jonas demonstrates courage and integrality in his willingness to continue to become a receiver even after the bad feelings of pain and suffering. He also is courageous enough to begin to take on the task of questioning…
The society in the book The Giver is an emotionally damaging, and in many other ways dangerous. No one, not even the assigned or so called parents will grieve the loss or death of their children. Every citizen is required to to take a pill that removes most human emotion, love, hate, anger, sadness and real joy..are all masked by this simple pill that everyone takes and nobody questions. (Lowry pg.6) Jona, a young twelve year old boy that lives in a futuristic, highly restrained community, all under the control Of The Elders of the society, down to the spouses that are chosen for them, the children that are assigned to parents not of their own and even the climate is controlled, no snow, no rain, no warmth of the sun. -This strict, cult…
The Giver describes a society in search of perfection, which is a recurring theme in literature. Somebody in Jonas’s society decided that eliminating or limiting choices and feeling, among other things, would ultimately create a perfect place in which to live. By eliminating and/or limiting choices and feelings, the creators were able to implement Sameness, which would then provide a conflict-less environment in which to exist.…
In the book The Giver, there are all these different rules of the community to prevent people from doing the wrong or bad things, but in all the rules, there are always positive ones and negative ones. So comparing to the real world and to the community, what rules from the community should we learn from? According to the book, Pilots cannot fly over the community,, Each person in a family must share his/her dreams in the morning, and in the evening, his/her feelings of the day, There can only be four members to a family: father, mother, son, daughter, No one is supposed to have strong feelings, There is no fighting or lying, Objects cannot be removed from designated areas, There must be respect for elders, People must remain in their assigned positions, People must remain with their assigned partners, People who are in puberty or older must ingest pills for "stirrings”, No one must look at anyone in the nude except old people or babies, for whom they are caring, Members of the community are also not allowed to leave the community.…
How do people’s ideas about belonging change due to passage of time and interacting with their world (family, friends, community, environment)?…
Imagine a world without color, pain, or feelings. It sounds terrible. The Giver is a book about a community that people in the community do not have to be worry about anything. In other words, they never experience the joy of life and success. Jonas’ community is a strict community to avoid negative emotions. However (TRANS), there are many things that citizens are not allowed to do by themselves. The purpose of this paragraph is to contrast the Jonas’ community to our community. First of all, in Jonas’ community everyone lives by the community’s rules. It means their food, their family, their decisions are chosen for them because they are under the community’s control. However, in our community people can make their own decisions and choose their favorite food to eat. Second, in Jonas’s community the Elders control the population. It means that kids are not raised in a house. They are raised in a center for a year and will be given to family, but (TRANS) the Elders are the ones to decide who can be assigned to care for children. However, in our community people have their own children and it does not matter how many children they want to have (INF). Another difference is that when they turn twelve, the children are given a job assignment and start training (GER) for their job, and after that, they work more till they become a responsible adult. By way of contrast, in our community people can start working (GER) whenever they want, and they might want to work (INF) less when they get older (COMP). In conclusion, we would realize that our decisions, emotions, and differences might make our life harder (COMP), so it would be great to be happy with the present life. Never make your life as same as (COMP) Jonas’ community because you are never going to feel the life. A world without color, pain, or feelings should be a destination you would never…
How might the characteristics of the perceiver, the target and the situation affect the social perceptions that employers like Deloitte likely have regarding participants in the Teach First program?…