The rules and regulations of Ms. Miller's classroom consists of no talking, no use of a cellular device, no chewing gum or eating food, no restroom breaks, and definitely no misbehavior whether she is present or not. The presence of a substitute calls for integrity and morals on my part, which I did not display most recently, but you can rest assure that it shall never occur again. Though I cannot expect to gain your trust so easily I do hope to have a substitute in the near future so that I may redeem myself and show you my true character because that surely was not it. My behavior was deplorable and I did not in anyway show you any of the qualities that an IB student should possess.
Now as for sleeping in class, that is not even literally listed as a one of the rules and regulations of the class because it should be implied that a classroom environment is no time for napping. Sleeping in class is definitely NOT ever permitted whether your work for the day is complete or not. As an IB student, again your integrity comes into play because any other work that one has, they should always use any extra time they have wisely by getting it done. IB students are never free or work and therefore should use any free time as productively as possible.
Cellphone usage is probably one of the most severe misdemeanors that a student can perform in a classroom. Using a cellphone, is in no way, ever excusable or permitted; especially in Ms. Miller's class. To even attempt or want to