Module 2
1.1 Introduction
Tongkonan a traditional ancestral house of the Toraja people, located 350 km from its capital city Makassar, Indonesia.
1.2 Architectural Style
A house shaped like a boat and the two ends are shaped like a bow. Toraja legends claimed that when they arrived from north by sea, they were caught by a violent storm. The boat was damaged as to be unseaworthy, so they used them as roofs for their new homes.
1.3 Current Situation
The fabric materials will replace the local materials, all the Toraja can build their own Tongkonan, depends on their financial ability, the latest Tongkonan usually does not have the 5 amenities, and the local carpenter will gradually lose their ability to contract the structure for bamboo roof.
1.4 Objective
To strengthen the cultural identity of the Toraja, as tourism object for tourists that government cannot interfere with, like, the management of the Tongkonan complex.
1.5 Target Audience
Age group: 50 – 65
The reason is because they have retired from work, got some pension and want to get some refreshment.
Audience: male and female tourists or travellers outside Indonesia from middle – high income.
1.6 Competitors
Wood factory and government
1.7 Unique Selling Point
Culture, ancient also unique houses that cannot be find anywhere else.
1.8 Delivery Method
A2 paper hand drawn using watercolor and oil pastel
1.9 Media Space
Newspaper, Billboards (Airport), Travel Agents
Module 2
2.1 Introduction of Toraja and Tongkonan
Most developing country boosting their economy by tribal tourism, under the words “culture is good business”. After World War II, many countries in Asia became independent. At the initial stage of independence, every country sets its goals on internationalization and civilization, so as to stable their countries speedily after the warfare. Only after that could they begin to explore the advantage of