
Run Lola Run Visual Techniques

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Run Lola Run Module A

Visual features of texts can give us a positive or negative effect on our appreciation of them. 'Run Lola Run' by tom Tykwer and 'The daylight savings time warp' by fast Eddie, help give us positive effects on our appreciation due to their visual techniques. Time can be an obstacle to be overcome 'Run Lola Run' in the opening scenes uses cartoon to show that time is a long road and that only with a lot of will can it be beaten. The visual techniques of this are that as Lola is running time is still ticking but as she comes close to a clock she is able to break through it, to overcome the obstacles in her path. In 'The daylight savings time warp' time is shown to be endless that through the image of time as a spiral that time is continuous and even if we were to try and beat it, to run down to the end of time it would still be I front of us it shows that time is an unbeatable force and that it will always be one step ahead of us.
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In 'Run Lola Run' even a few seconds can make a different to people’s lives. Throughout the film the people Lola runs into, their lives are changed due to the mere seconds that are differing from the last reload, as shown by the snapshots that are displayed during these interactions. Including with the woman pushing the pram here life is changed dramatically with her ending up dying of a drug overdose to turning into a nun. These changes are displayed even though there is initially a second differing in the timeline. In 'The daylight savings time warp' time is also differing from day to day this is shown in that in the spiral the numbers do not line up exactly that from day to day everything is deferent and that with every passing moment everything is

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